

The European Association for Methodology (EAM). The EAM aims to bring together researchers working in social and behavioral science methodology and statistics. One of its activities is the journal "Methodology - European Journal of Research Methods in the Behavioural and Social Sciences" of which I am one of the two editors. If you are part of our target audience, I recommend that you become a member. A membership application form is on the EAM homepage.


Methodology/Statistics Links

If you are interested in multilevel modeling, an obvious place to go to is the homepage of the Centre for Multilevel Modelling at the University of Bristol. This is the integrated homepage with information about the Multilevel Modelling Centre, the program MLwiN, links to other multilevel sites, and downloadable papers. The U.K. Tramms site contains multilevel teaching material, examples with data files, and a demonstration copy of the program MLwiN. Other pages with multilevel information are Tom Snijders' homepage, and Don Hedeker's Mixreg/Mixor homepage.. If you are interested in multilevel structural equation models, go to the Mplus homepage or visit Bengt Muthén's homepage. For general statistics, including turorials and reference lists on structural equation modeling, Jason Newsom's homepage is very instructive.

Good places with general statistical and social science methodology info are the Methodology Center at PSU and the evaluation research website. Also, the Academy of Management's Research Methods Division has a web site with all kinds of information, including links to other methodological web sites, a research methods forum, an online methods newsletter, and so on.

A good source for teaching material and support is the resource kit maintained by the California State University system. If ever you are caught without a beginner to intermediate stat textbook, and for whatever reason, you feel a need, go to the StatSoft, Inc. (1999). Electronic Statistics Textbook.

The UCLA Academic Technology Services maintain a large website that supports many statistical and non-statistical applications. They have a page for my multilevel book (alas, first edition only) at the Hox Examples page. They maintain many other pages like that, and their website is well worth a visit!

The Department of Statistics and Data Sciencesat the University of Texas at Austin maintains a set of software tutorials on theiur website. These include Amos, HLM, Lisrel, Mplus. This includs a multilevel tutorial where the popular2 data used in my multilevel book (2nd edition) is analyzed using SAS, Stata, HLM, R, SPSS and Mplus. With comments: very interesting!

Information about survey methods can be found on the Social Survey Section of the American Statistical Association. If you are interested in Internet survey methods, visit Don Dillman's homepage, or the Internet Research homepage of the Center for Methodology and Informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. An interesting survey-oriented site with a difference is STATS - Statistical Assessment Service, which has a website devoted to help journalists and other information users to understand the pitfalls of public opinion research.

If you need an online statistical calculator, there is a large collection here. It contains probability calculators, sample size calculators and lots more. Recommended!


I appreciate receiving suggestions for more professional links!

Last updated: September, 2012

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